At a recent clinic for leads and sweeps, we learned about best practices from Lucy Lead and Sally Sweep. They’d like us to keep a few key points in mind:
- Communication among Lucy Lead, Sally Sweep, and the rest of the ride group is the key to a successful ride. Everyone in the group should use hand signals and call out cautions, like “Glass!,” so everyone can hear. Sally and Lucy will ask you how it’s going, but don’t hesitate to speak up if you need to take a break, the pace isn’t right for you, or whatever else you think they should know.
- Yes, it’s fine for a rider like Fanny Fast to go ahead of Lucy Lead, as long as Fanny checks with Lucy about the next regrouping point and waits there for the rest of the group.
- Designated pace is a guideline to help us form compatible groups. On any given day, a group’s pace will vary due to climbing, headwinds, and other factors. (Learn more about “average speed” on our blog! on our blog!) But remember, Lucy and Sally want you to be safe and have fun, which is way more important than recording a particular pace!

Club members can find links to our Lead/Sweep Clinic video and slides on the Member Dashboard.
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