Lina’s Lessons: Cleaning Your Bike Chain with Soap and Water

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

Cleaning your bike chain is like good dental hygiene — regular cleaning will minimize problems with your chain and help it last longer. You’ll need: a bucket, dish soap (e.g., Dawn), a sponge, two old brushes (e.g., toothbrush, nail brush, or Park Tool bicycle chain cleaner — the bristles from the brushes dig deep into . . . read more

Lina’s Lessons: I’m gonna wash that dirt right outta my chain!

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

It’s chain-cleaning time! There are a few methods for keeping your bike’s chain clean throughout the season. In today’s lesson, let’s explore some of these approaches that will keep your bike’s chain and drivetrain sparkly clean and performing as it should! The methods I’m sharing are suggestions. If you have a system that has been . . . read more

Lina’s Lessons: B is for BRAKE!

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

by Lina Moreyra You’re persistent about checking your bike’s Air (See Venus blog post, What PRESSURE?!?), Brakes, and Chain before jumping on your bike and pedaling away with your Venus sisters. But what exactly is involved? Keep reading because today’s spotlight centers on how to check your bike’s braking system. Stop by your favorite bicycle . . . read more

Lina’s Lessons: Tune-up Time?

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

Welcome back! A new season fills the ol’ bucket list with dreams and plans of conquering mountain climbs, cycling events, or even riding that first century! While your mind and body train for these milestones, your bike also needs to be in fit form to carry you through. Maybe you’ve taken your bike to your . . . read more

Secrets to a Successful Ride

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

At a recent clinic for leads and sweeps, we learned about best practices from Lucy Lead and Sally Sweep. They’d like us to keep a few key points in mind: Club members can find links to our Lead/Sweep Clinic video and slides on the Member Dashboard.

What in the world is “Average Speed?”

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

This blog post is based on an article originally written by Venus member Gordana Dukovic. We’ve edited it for 2024.  The Venus Bike Club is a supportive biking community, serving women cyclists of a wide range of abilities and experience. To meet our members’ needs, each weekend we offer rides at several distances and speeds. . . . read more

Beating the Winter Blues

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

The days are short, the nights long, and “Baby, it’s cold outside!” The holidays are over, the treats are gone (well, maybe not GONE gone), and here we are in January with three months until the kickoff of our cycling season. If you’re feeling like you just want to hibernate and all that holiday cheer . . . read more

Ask Big Sis: Cycling Clothing Questions

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

Dear Big Sis:I’ve been curious about this for a long time and now that I am starting to bike, I have to ask. I have the same question everyone asks about kilts: “What do you wear under that chamois?”~ Wondering in Longmont Dear Wondering:And the answer is the same as for a kilt: Whatever you . . . read more

Lina’s Lessons: Fall is near … so check your NUTS!

Posted on by Venus Bike Club

Apart from hearing that sweet humming sound rising from the wheels or buzzing from the hubs, the bicycle is engineered to be a quiet machine. Hearing the cacophony of squeaks, clinks, and clunks is not only annoying but a sure sign that the bike is sending you a signal of distress. Ignore her calls at . . . read more

Handling the Heat

Posted on by Sandra Vannice

Remember the cool and wet spring weather that seemed to last until yesterday? Well those days are gone! Welcome to summer and riding in the heat! On long rides or days when it heats up quickly, it’s best to be prepared to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion, or worse–heat stroke. Be aware of the signs and . . . read more