(And Other Tips from the Bike Maintenance Clinic)

We all recognize the importance of keeping our bikes in good condition, so when we get out on the road, we experience fun and not catastrophic mechanical failure. Turns out, there is a lot we can do ourselves to keep our rides clean and functional and minimize those repair bills.

Gary Chambers from our sponsor, Velofix, presented an amazing bike maintenance clinic for us on the evening of May 4th. Despite the noisy venue, he did a great job of communicating quite a bit of useful info about keeping our bikes in good condition. In addition to demonstrating tire changing and explaining minor adjustments, he addressed the whens, whys, and hows of bike cleaning, including cleaning and lubing the chain. We even learned about flossing our cassettes (who knew about gear floss)! He also taught us what to do when the derailleur cable breaks to be able to get home a little easier.

What a great resource for our Club! He’s a great dude with a ton of knowledge – reach out to him for your next maintenance issue.
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