This year’s Basalt trip was the best yet! The weather was almost perfect, the rides were absolutely gorgeous, and we found a handful of new rides to try! So next year has new places to explore. This just keeps getting better!
On Day 1, we headed to Aspen Highlands to start our rides.

One group climbed to Maroon Bells.

Some coasted all the way back to the hotel, but before they did, they got a tour of the Pullman train car situated along the Rio Grande Trail.

The others headed out to Ashcroft. They didn’t make it all the way to the ghost town; our resident meteorologist kept an eye on the clouds and let us know when it was time to turn around — thanks Marcia!

The gentler crew just rode from Aspen Highlands to Basalt — a beautiful 24-mile downhill. No pedaling required!
Each evening after dinner, we met in the hotel’s common space to figure out the next day’s ride options.


Day 2, everyone rode the Frying Pan up to Ruedi Reservoir.
Even the Ruedi-lite gang made it up the damn dam, arriving to a cheering gang of Venus sisters.

Some event went above and beyond!

Saturday night, we went to Heather’s Savory Pies & Tapas for dinner, and as usual, it was yummy!

On Day 3, some of us explored the Crystal Valley Trail out of Carbondale.

A few came, saw, and conquered McClure Pass–WOO HOO!!!

They still had legs, so they continued on to Marble, ending with a well-earned lunch at Propaganda Pie in Redstone. :p

Lookie! There’s marble in Marble!

From all the rides we did, the Rides Team will put together new routes for our club, which will be added to the Basalt route collection in Ride with GPS.
Thanks to our terrific Destination Team for making this amazing trip happen!
p.s. We did not see any møøse. 🙁
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