You Can’t Have Too Many Bike Paths

Posted on by Jan Borstein

Boulder County provides lots of bike paths and bikeable shoulders — more than what other counties can claim— but that doesn’t mean that Boulder County has enough. Our bike network still has quite a few gaps, such as a good direct connection between Boulder and Longmont. Alexandra Phillips, the Boulder County Bike Planner and a . . . read more

A Must-have: the New Boulder County Bike Map

Posted on by Jan Borstein

Last fall, Boulder County released its new and super-improved Boulder County Bike Map. The amazing woman behind this endeavor is none other than Venus Bike Club’s own Alexandra Phillips, who also happens to be Bicycle Planner – Employee Transportation Coordinator in the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Department. I confess to being a map . . . read more

Colorado Safety Stop Legislation Passed!

Posted on by Jan Borstein

Most of us probably know of an intersection where we wish we weren’t legally required to come to a complete stop at the stop sign. Perhaps it’s a spot where there’s rarely any traffic, or where cyclists have a dedicated bike lane that traffic never crosses anyway. In these cases, I wish it were legal . . . read more